Spring Concert: Classic Barbershop. Celebrating 85 years of the Barbershop Harmony society

3:00pm, Sun, Apr 14 2024

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Performance
    Start time: 3:00pm
    Venue: Papillion Landing
    1046 W Lincoln Street
    Papillion, NE 68046
    Description: Spring Concert: Classic Barbershop.  Celebrating 85 years of the Barbershop Harmony society

    Classic Barbershop.  Celebrating 85 years of the
    Barbershop Harmony society



    • For 85 years, BHS created opportunities for men to sing in organized chapters and quartets, now expanding to include mixed and women’s groups as a part of our membership.
    • Nearly 20,000 members, 700 chapters/choruses
    • 80,000 barbershop singers world wide - Sweet Adelines International; Harmony, Inc.; internationally from UK to Japan to Brazil


    • Publishing, education, conventions, outreach, merchandise
    • Harmony Hall is our international headquarters in Nashville - tours, singing lessons, events


    • Society might make you think that only the best singers should sing, but we disagree. Singing is for everyone, at every level. Like anything else, it takes practice to build your skills.
    • If you sang in school, you can keep singing after you graduate. That experience of a musical family doesn’t have to end.
    • Studies have proven that people who sing stay healthier and build stronger support systems than people who don’t.
    • For barbershoppers, there is a network of people across the world who are interested in connecting with each other.


    • Service - student outreach, seniors services, community fundraising, individual support
    • Helping to establish singing as a valuable community resource
    • Music holds the power to transform lives
      • Harmony Foundation International - over $100K in HU scholarships; $380K for YCF, YBQC, and grants
      • Next Generation Barbershop - Junior/Varsity quartet and chorus events
      • Lifelong singing opportunities - local chapters; All-Chapter and EiH choruses
      • Seniors quartet and chorus events
      • Outreach - local and major convention events
        • Grants - providing sheet music, workshops, camps, festivals, Harmony Explosion
        • Youth Outreach Grants - between $500 and $10,000 per award
    • Can help schools fill the gaps when music isn’t a part of the local curriculum